Reporting Instructions –
Notification of Club Officers
Done through “Member Access” on the Rotary International website. Club
Secretaries have access to update member and club information.
Done through the District Website. Club
Secretaries and Presidents have access to update membership and club
information. Also any other member can be given access by contacting the
District Secretary.
for reporting changes to RI through Member Access
Start from the Rotary
International home page and click on member
access in the upper right hand corner.
You must be logged in to edit member and club
information. If you are a new user, go to Register Now from the
Member Access login page and click on “Frequently Asked Questions” for
instruction on obtaining a login name and password.
Once logged in:
Click on Update Club Data
to the bottom of the form to the section labeled "Assign Officer
a club member from the pull down list labeled "Select Officer" for president or secretary.
a Term (1 July 2007-30 June 2008 for president and secretary elects).
on "submit changes"
It is important that all officer contact information is updated and
current in the RI database. To check
contact information for any club member do the following:
Logon to Member Access (see above).
on "edit" next to the
member's name.
on "contact information"
at the top of the page
on "edit" next to the
information you wish to change
the data
on "save changes"
Instructions for
reporting changes to the District through the District Website
your club is a Club Runner subscriber, you can edit member and club information
directly from your club website and there is no need to report anything to the
District. Your information will be automatically reflected on the
District website.
If your club is not a ClubRunner subscriber
you can edit membership and club information at the District Website. You must be logged in
to edit information. If you are a new user, go to: New
User for instructions on obtaining a login name and password.
o Login to the District Website, and navigate to the Admin
page (you will go to this page by default when you log in).
Entering 2007-2008 Club Officer
1. Click on Define Next
Year's Executives under the "For Club
Executives" section of the admin page.
2. Click on edit next to the
office to update.
3. Choose the club member that
holds the office from the pull down list.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 for all
club officers.
5. Click on Save.
It is important that all officer
contact information is updated and current in the District Website. To check contact information for any club
member do the following:
Updating Membership Data
1. Click on Membership
Details under the "For Club Executives" section of the admin
membership contact information by clicking on Edit next to the member’s
3. Click "save"
help is available for all functions of the District Web site.
Also, fell free to contact the District Secretary with any questions
relative to reporting to RI or the District.